Jan 21, 2017
In your environment, you deal with threats from all over the world. Many groups out there pool resources to help everyone deal with those #threats. Some come in the form of threat #intelligence from various intelligence companies, like #Carbon #Black, #FireEye, and #Crowdstrike.
But what if your company cannot afford such products, or are not ready to engage those types of companies, and still need need protections? Never fear, there are open source options available (see show notes below). These products aren't perfect, but they will provide a modicum of protection from 'known' bad actors, SSH trolls, etc.
We discuss some of the issues using them, discuss how to use them in your #environment.
Lastly, we discuss #mentorship. Having a good mentor/mentee relationship can be mutally beneficial to both parties. We discuss what it takes to be a good mentee, as well as a good mentor...
RSS: www.brakeingsecurity.com/rss
Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/brakeingsecurity/2017-002-mentoring_threat_lists.mp3
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHNrINl1oZE
HITB announcement:
“Tickets are on sale, And
entering special code
'brakeingsecurity' at checkout gets you a 10% discount".
Brakeing Down Security thanks #Sebastian Paul #Avarvarei and all
the organizers of #Hack In The Box (#HITB) for this opportunity!
You can follow them on Twitter @HITBSecConf. Hack In the Box will
be held from 10-14 April 2017. Find out more information here:
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Show Notes:
HANGOUTS: https://hangouts.google.com/call/w7rkkde5yrew5nm4n7bfw4wfjme
2017-002-Threat Lists, IDS/IPS rulesets, and infosec mentoring