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Nov 22, 2014

We snagged an interview with Benjamin Donnelly, a maintainer of the Active Defense Harbinger Distribution (ADHD). version 0.60


A thoroughly enjoyable conversation with a new up-and-coming security professional. He's the future, and he is already contributing a lot of great info to the infosec industry.



Nov 20, 2014

My man Mr. Boettcher posted up a video on how to install OWASP's WebGoat Vulnerable web application!

He walks you through WebGoat 5.4, and even gives you some tips on solving issues that he'd found.  And to make it even easier, he's given you some instructions below.

Hope you enjoy, especially if you've had issues...

Nov 18, 2014

Active Defense... It conjures images of the lowly admin turning the tables on the evil black hat hackers, and giving them a dose of their own medicine by hacking their boxes and getting sweet, sweet revenge... But did you know that kind of 'revenge' is also rife with legal rammifications, even bordering on being...

Nov 9, 2014

If you think Halloween was scary, Paul Coggin gives us another reason to curl up in the fetal position as he goes explains Lawful Intercept, and Route Maps. And what's worse, your 3rd party auditors are starting to get the tools that will make you address network protocol issues.


Lots of great material here below in...

Nov 3, 2014

One of the talks my colleague got to see was Paul Coggin's talk about Internetworking routing and protocols.  In this interview, we dicsuss some tools of the trade, how MPLS isn't secure, and why you should be doing end-to-end encryption without allowing your VPN or circuit provider to do it for you...

If you have any...