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Mar 28, 2015

We continue our trek down the list of SANS Top 20 Critical Security Controls this week with #12 and #13 - Boundry Defense, and Controlled use of Administrative Privileges.  Learn what you can do to shore up your network defenses, and how to handle admin privileges... When to give that kind of access, and how to...

Mar 21, 2015

We invited the organizers of the "", a Dallas, Texas based hacker/makerspace on the podcast to talk about why they wanted to start a makerspace, the costs and plans to setup a hacker space, and some of the things you can do with a makerspace. We also understand the sense of community and the learning...

Mar 15, 2015

Mr. Boettcher went on vacation and was volunteering for Austin Bsides this week, and I needed to do a podcast, so I enlisted the aid of Lee Brotherston and Jarrod Frates discuss some important topics.  We discuss the seemingly short talent pool for IT/IS positions.  We talk about the ROWHAMMER vulnerability and how it...

Mar 7, 2015

In our continuing discussion with Jeff and "Str4d", we got right to the heart of the matter: Privacy and anonymity.


If you're trying to remain anonymous, what steps do the devs of I2P use to keep themselves as anonymous as possible.  We also touch on what the "Browser Exploitation Framework", and why it scares the...