Jan 30, 2020
What is Honeycomb.io?
From the site:
“Honeycomb is a tool for introspecting and interrogating your production systems. We can gather data from any source—from your clients (mobile, IoT, browsers), vendored software, or your own code. Single-node debugging tools miss crucial details in a world where infrastructure...
Jan 23, 2020
Ms. Berlin's appearance on #misec podcast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj2IF0zn_BE with @kentgruber and @quantissIA
Blog post:
What is Honeycomb.io?
From the site:
“Honeycomb is a tool for introspecting and interrogating...
Jan 13, 2020
Educause conference: https://events.educause.edu/security-professionals-conference/2020/hotel-and-travel
Amanda’s Training that everyone should come to!!! https://nolacon.com/training/2020/security-detect-and-defense-ttx
Follow twitter.com/infosecroleplay