Feb 22, 2016
This week's super-sized episode is brought to us thanks to previous guest Cheryl Biswas. You might remember her from our "Shadow IT" (http:/brakeingsecurity.com/2015-048-the-rise-of-the-shadow-it) podcast a few months ago. She reached out to us to see if we were interested in doing a podcast on mainframe security with her and a couple of gentlemen that were not unknown to us.
Of course we jumped at the chance! You might know them as @mainframed767 and @bigendiansmalls (Chad) on Twitter. They've been trying to get people to be looking into mainframes and mainframe security for years. Mainframes are usually used by financial organizations, or older organizations. In many cases, these systems are managed by a handful of people, and you will have little or no help if you are a red teamer or pentester to make sure these systems are as secured as they possibly can.
So, Cheryl (@3ncr1pt3d), @bigendiansmalls, and @mainframed767 (Philip) walk us through how a mainframe functions. We discuss what you might see when a scan occurs, that if runs a mainframe OS, and a Linux 'interface' OS.
We also discuss methods you can use to protect your organization, and methods you can use as a redteamer to learn more about mainframes.
Chad's talk at DerbyCon 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5AG59Y1_EY
Chad discussing mainframe Security on Hak5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBhsWvlqLPo
Linux for mainframes: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/linuxone/
Philip's talks on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBVy6TfEpKmEL56fb5AnZCM8pXXFfJS0n
Brian and I wish to thank Cheryl for all her help in making this happen. You can find her blog over at Alienvault's site... https://www.alienvault.com/blogs/author/cheryl-biswas
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