Oct 30, 2015
It's a madhouse this week! We invited Ben Donnelly (@zaeyx) back to discuss a new software framework he's crafted, called #MAD Active Defense. Ben wants to make Active Defense simple enough for even the busiest blue teamer.
The interface takes it design from other well known #software frameworks, namely #Metasploit, #REcon-ng, and even a bit of #SET, he said.
We even did a quick demo of MAD, discussed the tenets of #Active #Defense, and talked about a little skunkworks project of Ben's that you will find enjoyable.
Direct Link: http://brakeingsecurity.com/2015-044-a-mad-mad-mad-mad-world-with-ben-donnelly
Promethean Security MAD GitHub: https://github.com/PrometheanInfoSec/MAD
Demo Video (~110MB): http://traffic.libsyn.com/brakeingsecurity/MAD_Ben_edited.mkv
Backup Demo Download (gDrive) site (~110MB): https://goo.gl/FtWlCM
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#activeDefense #blueTeam #intrusionDefense #benDonnelly