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Dec 23, 2017

As is tradition (or becoming around here) we like to get a bunch of podcasters together and just talk about our year. No prognostications, a bit of silliness, and we still manage to get in some great infosec content.

Please enjoy! And please seek out these podcasts and have a listen!

Slight warning: some rough...

Dec 16, 2017

Ms. Berlin and Mr. Boettcher are on holiday this week, and I (Bryan) went to Hushcon ( last week (8-9 Dec 2017). Lots of excellent discussion and talks.

While there, our friend Jay Beale (@jaybeale) came on to discuss Hushcon, as well as some recent news. 

Google released an 0day for Apple iOS, and we...

Dec 8, 2017

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs was developed with the idea that the most basic needs should be satisfied to allow for continued successful development of the person and the community inevitably created by people seeking the same goals.

DFIR is also much the same way in that there are certain necessary basics needed to...