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Jul 26, 2015

 In an incident response, the need for clear communication is key to effective management of an incident. This week, we had Mick Douglas, DFIR instructor at SANS, and Jarrod Frates, who is a pentester at InGuardians, and has great experience handling incidents. Find out some roles in an incident response (the...

Jul 18, 2015

Strap yourselves in ladies and Gentlemen.  With Mr. Boettcher gone on "vacation" this week, I needed some help with the podcast, and boy did we pick a doozy.  If you're a fan of Turing Complete algorithms, frankly, who isn't ;) , we had Ms. Fabienne Serrière (@fbz) and Ms. Magen Wu (@tottenkoph) who discuss higher...

Jul 13, 2015

My podcast co-host Brian Boettcher, along with Kate Brew, an Austin, TX based security blogger, headed up this panel called "Red Team Vs. Blue Team". The idea was to ask people from various sides of the aisles (attackers and defenders) pressing questions about how the industry operates.

Infosec heavyweights like Kevin...

Jul 6, 2015

Roxy, who we interviewed a few months ago on our podcast about hackerspaces, is back with us this week to discuss a project she is working on, called 'Big Brown Cloud'. If you've ever wanted to setup your own fake blog and send people to it to gain information on possible attacks, you've come to the right place.  

