Oct 15, 2018
Derbycon is probably one of the best infosec conferences of the calendar year. The podcast always has so much fun meeting listeners, meeting new people, and getting some audio to share with folks who can't be there.
This year, we still got some audio, and it's great. We talked with Cheryl Biswas (@3ncr1pt3d) with her talks at #Derbycon and her work with the #dianaInitiative Check out her talks at the links on @irongeek's website...
Cheryl's Track talk: http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon8/track-1-05-draw-a-bigger-circle-infosec-evolves-cheryl-biswas
Cheryl's Stable talk: http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/derbycon8/stable-29-patching-show-me-where-it-hurts-cheryl-biswas
I saw Tomasz near the @log-md booth, it was his first Derbycon, and I was interested in hearing what he had to say about hypervisor introspection...
Make plans for next year! Follow @derbycon on Twitter!
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