Feb 5, 2018
Show Notes:
Topics Discussed:
New tool : AutoSploit - Does it lower the bar?
How should Blue teamers be using Shodan?
Discuss WPAD attacks, what WPAD is, and why it's a thing blue teams should worry about.
Ms. Amanda Berlin is running 4 session of her workshop "Disrupting the Killchain" starting on the 5th of February at 6:30pm Pacific Time (9:30 Eastern Time) If you would like to sign up, the fee is $100 and you can send that to our paypal account at https://paypal.me/BDSPodcast, send as a 'gift'
Course Syllabus: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12glnkY0nxKU9nAvekypL4N910nd-Nd6PPvGdYYJOyR4/edit
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