Jan 23, 2020
Ms. Berlin's appearance on #misec podcast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj2IF0zn_BE with @kentgruber and @quantissIA
Blog post:
What is Honeycomb.io?
From the site:
“Honeycomb is a tool for introspecting and interrogating your production systems. We can gather data from any source—from your clients (mobile, IoT, browsers), vendored software, or your own code. Single-node debugging tools miss crucial details in a world where infrastructure is dynamic and ephemeral. Honeycomb is a new type of tool, designed and evolved to meet the real needs of platforms, microservices, serverless apps, and complex systems.”
What are SLOs and how do you establish them? Are they anything like SLA (Service level agreements)?
Can you give us an idea of timeline? Length of time from issue to IR to resolution?
Are the dashboards mentioned in the blogs post your operations dashboard?
[nope! hashtag no-dashboards]
Leading and lagging indicators ( IT and infosec call them detection and mitigation indicators)
How important is telemetry (or meta-telemetry, since it’s telemetry on telemetry, if I’m reading it right --brbr) in making sure you can understand issues?
Do you have levels of escalation? How do you define those?
When you declared an emergency, how did brainstorming help with addressing the issues? Do that help your org see the way to a proper fix?
Did you follow any specific methodology? Did you have a warroom or web conference?
Can being over transparent be detrimental?
Communication methods in an IR:
Phone Tree
Ticket system
What does escalation look like for Ms. Berlin? Mr. Boettcher? (stories or examples?)
Confirmation bias (or “it’s never in our house”) fallacy
“I’ve seen and been a part of that, very prevalent in IT” --brbr
Especially when the bias is based on previous outages/issues
From the blog: “We quickly found ourselves locked in a state of confirmation bias…”
Root Cause Analysis:
Once you diagnosed the issue, how quickly was a fix pushed out?
What kind of documentation or monitoring was generated/added to ensure this won’t happen again?
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