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Dec 23, 2019

End of year, end of decade

    Are things better than 10 years ago? 5 years ago?

    If there was one thing to change things for the better, what would that be?


Good, Bad, Ugly 

Did naming vulns make things better?

    Which industries are doing a good job of securing themselves? Finance?

    What do you wished never...

Dec 18, 2019

The day after part 1

Keybase halted the spacedrop the day after the first podcast is complete...


Security failures in implementation

    “We need to push this to market, we’ll patch it later!”


Risk management discussion for project managers (PMP)


CIA Triad… where does ‘business goals’ fit? Security is...

Dec 10, 2019

Patreon donor goodness: Scott S. and Ion S.

@_noid_ @davedittrich

Their response:

 “it’s not a bug, it’s a feature”

    “Don’t write a blog post that will point out the issue”

    “You pointing out our issues makes things more difficult for us”

    “It’s a free service, why are you hurting...

Nov 27, 2019

Diana Initiative

@circuitswan @dianainitiative


Conference in Las Vegas (Aug 6-7, 2020) (Thu & Fri)




  1. Diana initiatives
    1. Past
      1. 2015 - idea at defcon 23
      2. 2016-17-18 growing but got too big!
      3. 2019 got our own...