Jan 28, 2019
Liz Rice is the Technology Evangelist with container security specialists Aqua Security, where she also works on container-related open source projects including kube-hunter and kube-bench. She was Co-Chair of the CNCF’s KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2018 events in Copenhagen, Shanghai and Seattle, and co-author of the O’Reilly Kubernetes Security book. She has a wealth of software development, team, and product management experience from working on network protocols and distributed systems, and in digital technology sectors such as VOD, music, and VoIP. When not building startups and writing code, Liz loves riding bikes in places with better weather than her native London.
Liz Rice (@lizrice on Twitter) https://www.lizrice.com/
https://changelog.com/gotime/56 - podcast with Liz
https://kubernetes-security.info - co-author of O’Reilly Kubernetes security book
https://www.slideshare.net/Docker/dont-have-a-meltdown - Liz Rice/Justin Cormack slides
https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-41753022 - NHS ransomware issue in 2017
https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/container-networking/ - docker portmapping
If security needs to “Shift Left”, what can devs do to accommodate the change?
Everyone will have to make adjustments, not just security… right?
Reverse uptime…
Forgotten data?
Test Driven Development
Why do we need security as far left?
“We don’t patch, we just push a fix, ”
“We’ll fix it in production…”
Or we pump more resources to overcome perf issues
Is there time for code reviews?
“We don’t need change management…”
https://testssl.sh - @drwetter
Automation: How does security that solve security issues?
Do Microservices solve everything?
What don’t they solve?
What does security need to embrace to make the shift less painful?
What does development need to embrace to make the shift less painful?
Cause security wants to get in there…
There are already DevSecOps processes a-plenty and many . Why aren’t companies adopting them?
Lack of resources?
Negligent devs - how can you ignore the news of breaches?
Setting Goals
“Start Small” - what’s an example of a small goal?
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