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Mar 1, 2017

Bryan had the pleasure of attending his 3rd Bsides Seattle a few weeks ago. Lots of great speakers, great discussion.

We have 3 interviews here this week:

Justin Case (@jcase) discusses some of his talk about hacking the Google Pixel, an HTC produced phone. We discuss why Android gets the 'insecure' moniker by the media, and whether it's warranted or not.

Next, Sam Vaughn (@sidechannel_org) talks about setting up the Crypto Village, why he does it, and what you can learn by solving these puzzles.

Finally, Matt Domko discusses his experiences with Bro, as well as using Bro for packet analysis and what is needed when analyzing packets...

If you are looking for some great content, a Bsides is nearby, just look around...


Other Twitter handles mentioned on the show...

@firewater_devs  (both phone hackers)

Direct Link:





Bsides London is accepting Call for Papers starting 14 Febuary 2017, as well as a Call for Workshops. You can find out more information at


HITB announcement:

“Tickets are on sale, And entering special code 'brakeingsecurity' at checkout gets you a 10% discount". Brakeing Down Security thanks #Sebastian Paul #Avarvarei and all the organizers of #Hack In The Box (#HITB) for this opportunity! You can follow them on Twitter @HITBSecConf. Hack In the Box will be held from 10-14 April 2017. Find out more information here:


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